
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Chaos and Confusion - dogs, cats and ice buckets!

Wow, what a couple of weeks this has been!

with the arrival of Les, things have been a little crazy.  The cat Smudge has decided that she is, and will continue to be THE BOSS, and luckily enough Les is quite happy with this!  He likes her as he does all animals, and last night the two of them were both asleep in the lounge at the apartment - a great step forward.  Until then, they had always had separate rooms!

We have decided to just butt out and let them sort it out in their own way, and this is definitely the right approach - we seem to have been making it more difficult for them :(

The shop has been pretty quiet - as has all Elounda, and that has been a concern for us - if we don't make enough during the summer then winter is VERY hard...but we keep smiling!

I've been watching everyone getting nominated and doing their ice bucket challenges, and secretly feeling a mixture of relief and sadness at not getting asked...I know, I'm weird...  but this all changed the other day, when a new supporter of our shop, Sarah, nominated me!!!  The challenge is on for this afternoon providing I can get somebody to film it!

With September just arriving, we have had some cloudy days, but this doesn't dampen spirits.  the weather is still hot, and the breeze is more than welcome when it comes.
The amazing thing is the colours of the waters! 

As the clouds roll in, the bay in front of the shop becomes like unpolished jade, with ripples running across the surface, making no foam.  as the sun begins to break through, the sea changes colour, becoming the deep blue of the finest sapphire, and with the breeze melting away, it is as calm as any millpond.

Then the clouds disperse, and the sun shines brilliantly down on the bay once more, bringing back the Lapis Lazuli colour and all the tones of turquoise with it...O how lucky we are to be here!

We have also had a wonderful donation of books!  most of them are in Dutch, so John has re-arranged the shelving to allow us to display more of them for our visitors.  It also means that we have a wider variety for our Dutch and Belgian visitors - more history, a bit of travel, cookery, factual...all kinds!  and of course, we still have 85 kg of books to arrive from the UK in the next few days!  Christmas extra in the shop!
The other thing we are looking forward to is seeing the wonderful cards that are coming too!  Elaine always makes such beautiful things, and everyone is champing at the bit to see what she's sent - including me!

As always, there will be some pics and comments, but I do want to mention some events this week...
As well as a fab night of live music at Rady's, Mario's Bar is doing a whole week of events to support Angel Hope Animal Rescue.  This includes money from sales being donated from every drink, music events and all's the link to his Facebook Page 
take a look, and even if you can't come and join the fun, please contact him, us or Angel Hope Animal Rescue
 to make a donation, sponsor a dog or to adopt...
Have a great day and Kalo Mina Olla  (Good Month to All)    :)

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